Thursday, June 24, 2010

I stand alone:

Have you ever come to a place where you finally stop and it's like nothing seems right? As if your senses were turned, off and you are seeing as if for the first time with your eyes. You were blindfolded and now it has been taken off and you didn't even know it was there. You look around and where you stand you told yourself you would never be, you refused this path and now you are in the heart of it. So far from who you truly are, you feel so hopeless! You are not what you wanted to or imagined you would be. All your convictions are still tugging harder than ever before yet they are not evident in your life any longer. You push them down, deny them and let moments of action go by. One "little" compromise after the's just this's not that big of an issue...I'm strong, I can handle heart is right...all these thoughts creep in. However, just as a seed is planted in ready soil if given water WILL grow. What seed are you allowing to be planted in your garden? Are you watering a seed that will bare nourishing fruit? Do you feel like in so many areas of your life you have compromised and have lied to yourself, making yourself believe that you are fine and all you do you do to the best of your ability? (Aside from occassion.) In reality you were/are conforming and changing for the worst in very vital parts of your life. Blending in with everyone else and sinking below when you were/are called to stand up and step above. In the end what other people think, say, what they do or even become will not matter. When I stand before my King, I stand alone! No one to my right to pass the blame and no one to my left to ask for the next excuse. If I act out of fear of the applaud of my peers I tell my Father, they are more important than Him. If I believe the lies that are spoken to me, I tell my Father that His words do not matter, they are worthless. When I let my circumstances overwhelm me and I lose hope, I deny the cross and tell my Father it is not enough. If I'm not living, driven with purpose to further The Kingdom, what am I living for? If I fade into the lethargy just like the other then what is the meaning of my existence?

Friday, April 24, 2009

My Bride!

I am after a bride
One that's after My heart
Who's gaze is on Me
Who will it be?
Won't You come to Me
I love You, You see
If only You truly understood
Will You just let Me come close
Close enough to see Your face?
Face to Face
My Bride
I Love You So Much!!!
This burning will Never Ever go away
It will simply get stronger
Never wavering!
Please do not turn away from Me in shame
My heart grieves when Yours is in pain
Come to Me I WILL give You peace
Peace You have never known...
on Your own
Just come
Please just come...
Closer, closer, closer, and closer
Do Not Stop
My Bride.
Feel My Heart...Feel My emotion
I am a jealous God
My Bride!
My Bride!
My Bride!
Won't You Come...
Written by:
LynnCheri J. Flowers
April 24th 09

Friday, November 28, 2008

I'm sorry!

You know I'm getting a little frustrated with naive people. I know I should be loving them like Jesus is, but there is so much just, in your face, ignorance that can't I stand it anymore.
We have so desensitized ourselves that we seriously have no clue that what we do and what we say, are not at all acceptable, we look at it as just a way of life. We don't really care that what we're doing is not pleasing in any way to God, it's in fact unpleasing-displeasing which basically means that it is hurtful to God.
You know I know full well that I'm not the only one that sees these things and disagrees, and I know I'm not the only one that truly understands that what we do needs to reflect who God is, that what we say needs to be what God would say. God wants us to strive to be more like Him. He knows we will screw up but at least we tried, and at least we will keep on trying!
We are His mouthpieces and we have shut our mouths in shame, we haven't spoken out because we don't want to stir up dust and make a big deal out of things that 'aren't hurting anyone' well you know what they are hurting people they are damaging our generation they are ruining what God has called His own, stealing it and shamefully calling it there own-they are counterfeiting the beauty of creation with lies.
The world laughs at us Christians, because we are hiding in the four walls of our church and denying anything bad that knocks on the door. We deny the truth.

I apologize, I didn't write this very well at all but I just had to say this. I hope you understand my heart!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What Will You Choose?

The world has so many prefixed ideas about how we as people, but we as teens especially should be. How we should walk, talk, act, dress, and they have sold so many lies whether by the Media, TV shows, Teens Magazines, Hollywood in general, is polluted with immorality, sexual, mental insanity. And so many teens sell their identity, their uniqueness the who God created them to be to blend in with the crowd, follow the exhausting never ending path that so many die trying to follow. (trust me it is not worth it, the world has failed me, and it will fail you. God is the ONLY way!) So many Christians tolerate it, and even participate in it, we as Christians ignore the seriousness of these things the damage it can and will cause if you ignore Gods words. Ignorance Is No Excuse, God gave us the Bible, and brains; use them. We as Christians need to step up and be a voice where there is no voice, we need to be a light where there is no light. We need to be GODLY examples to the world. We are set apart from the world, we are not to blend in but stand out, and right now there isn't a real visible line between Christians & non-Christians. It's time to stop acting and be real. Seriously we need to stop playing church, and STOP keeping the gospel in the four walls of a building...Jesus' ministry was out on the streets among the people, healing wasn't for the chosen few, it was for all who needed healing. We are called for God not for man. It's not about us. Give the authority back to God. If you want to see God move, if you wanna see God, stop pushing Him out with all the laws and regulations. I pray that you would take the limits off of God, because God is a limitless God!

Read the questions below, but read every word and pause, think about it for a second then ask yourself:
Will. You. Step. Up.?
Will. You. Blend. In.?
Will. You. Stand. Out.?
Will. You. Be. Bold. For. Christ.?
Will. You. Be. Ashamed. Of. Christ.?
What. Will. You. Choose...
Eternal. Life. -
Eternal. Death. -
Do you have the answer?
Please email me at and let me know!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Just my thoughts!

I am excited and am anticipating what God will do, and where He will take M.U.S.T. It's been a little rough getting things going, and I'm a little disappointed that I am taking so long with putting things together. I want to thank everyone for being patient and not ditching me is... taking a while. I wanted to start the 'session' on the 1st but that didn't happen ;( Goodness I love Jesus so much!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Ladies and gentleman, girls and boys of all ages I give you:
M.U.S.T. -Mountain-moving Unchanging Spirit-led Teens-

Hello Everyone,
God has been really speaking to my heart about reaching my generation. I am starting M.U.S.T. because there are lost and dying teens that have no hope, no answer, and a world that will never satisfy (like God can!) He has been challenging me to step out and get a group of teens together each week to praise, worship, get in the word, and evangelize on the streets! I am praying about it, and am building a platform to stand on (spiritually speaking) I have been a little uneasy about it taking so long...then today (Oct 1st) while I was praying and petitioning God, He told me to begin online and to start with prayer.

My goal is to get a group of teens together-for the first few month just study the word, and get a good foundation-then after that start evangelizing in malls, on street corners, anywhere and everywhere God will open doors!!
I don't know about you but I am done with forwards that only touch the surface of someone's life. It is time as a body of Christ to start acting like a body of Christ. We need to get more involved in peoples' lives, we need to start standing with one another not only in hardship but in the day to day situations that lead to (if you're not careful) losing your walk with God, and or falling back into sin. Guys we need each other as friends to stand with one another, and keep each other accountable.

O.k. here's the deal:
If you want to participate in interceding, praying, and standing in the gap for another person each week, I need you to let me know; that you will 'Stand' with me. But you need to understand this is serious, and don't commit if you won't commit, and pray each week...for right now we are doing everything online (later on we will meet somewhere), and I will send an email (and will place a blog) with a different subject every if you or your friends/family need prayer just email me or leave a comment on my blog and I will email whoever else is going to commit to prayer, and we will pray!
When every one replies God told me to start with the subject: "Who am I (in Christ)" so I will give scripture, and will have 'Q' and 'A' for the whole week, and every week will have a different subject :)
I hope you will open up and let me (and others) pray, and stand with you. Just know that I will always be there for you no matter what!
For those of you who live further away, I challenge you to start something in your area! It's time to move for God!

P.S. Adults I'm asking you to stand with me, and pray with us...we all know when God moves to build, the devil moves to destroy, so we need all the prayer cover we can get:)

If you have any questions just email me at or go on my blog: –and leave a comment!-

Please spread the word about M.U.S.T. Tell your friends and family!